Tanker Bob's Links
Political Sites

Rush is right!

Rush's Official Web Site - Accept no substitutes--the truth detector is here every weekday!

Parodies from Rush - Hear those great classics online.

Republican/Conservative Stuff

GOP Main Street! - The Republican National Committee home page. Very nicely done as a small town metaphor. If you're tired of the bias and lies in the mainstream press report, get the other side here.

Heritage Foundation WWW Site - Great site for conservative resources. Lots of links to conservative organizations on the web, including the Family Research Council.

Town Hall -- Explore The New Conservative World - Clearing house for a huge variety of conservative organizations.

Walter Williams - Site dedicated to a very insightful commentator.

The Family Research Council - Defenders of the family against the politically correct winds.

Buchanan Brigade Home Page - Pat Buchanan's political web site.

Legislative Stuff

THOMAS: Legislative Information on the Internet - Speaker Newt Gingrich's brainchild, bringing current legislative information to the people. Search engine available to seek out specific bills and issues. Outstanding source of the real information on the potential or current laws of the land.

U.S. House Of Representatives - Home Page - The House's own web site. Lots of info on the House, as well as current legislation.

U.S. Senate - Home Page - The Senate's own web site. Lots of info on the Senate, but not much else.

Majority Whip's Home Page - Home page of the House of Representatives' Majority Whip. Lots of good data on what is going on in Congress and also on the current administration.

Miscellaneous Stuff

Supreme Court Decisions Online - Hosted at the Cornell Law School. You had best keep abreast of the most powerful institution in our current government. It wasn't always so, and it isn't that way in the constitution.

Home Page of the US Supreme Court - The third branch of our government.

Liberty Library of Constitutional Classics - Great collection of original source material.

Welcome to the C-SPAN Networks - Schedule, etc. for C-SPAN--the citizen's window on Washington buffoonery, et al. They say that if you like sausage or law, you shouldn't watch either one being made. Not for the faint-hearted.

CDC Home Page - Center for Disease Control. Lots of government statistics to check the facts on liberal exaggerations, especially about AIDS.

Gun Owners of America - The no-compromise guardians of our Second Amendment freedoms.

National Rifle Association Home Page - Official site of the leading protectors of our Second Amendment freedoms.

Emily Lau's Home Page - Formerly the site of a Hong Kong legislator online. Used to be able to keep track of the changes in China. Since the commies took over, such freedom no longer has a place there.

iFeminists - Great site by/for women who prefer to think for themselves and not slavishly fall in goose step w/the NOW gang. Very thought provoking. Great reading for men as well.

Junk Science - A watchdog site for thinking citizens who don't buy into the political hype, or the theory that if a celebrity says it, it must be true.

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Last updated 29 May, 2004