Tanker Bob's Links
Aviation Weather Information

Disclaimer: The following links are provided to facilitate flight planning, especially route selection. None of this excellent information is a substitute for a good pre-flight weather briefing from a FSS or other authorized provider. The cemetaries are full of those who thought they could fool mother nature. Don't join them prematurely.

"Aviation in itself is not inherently dangerous.
But to an even greater degree than the sea,
it is terribly unforgiving of any carelessness,
incapacity or neglect."

National Weather Service Homepages - Java map of all the NWS sites in the US. Just click on the office nearest your point of interest to get to the local homepage. Most have aviation data links for the local area.

Edwards Weather System (EWS) - Good local, national, and international info from the world's premier flight test establishment.

Pilot Weather Briefing - Private site by meteorologist Robert Lattery. Not a substitute for an official WX brief, but a good start for mission planning.

Research Applications Program at NCAR - Home of the projects arm of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, which is centered on aviation weather issues.

Real-Time Weather Data Home Page - Good source of realtime aviation weather data put out by NCAR.

Aviation Weather Center - National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) site to distribute up-to-date aviation weather info. All standard briefing items present, plus an experimental icing prediction model.

WeatherNet - University of Michigan site with a wealth of weather information and links.

Texas A&M Weather Page - Get decoded METAR reports by location. Fastest if you know the three-letter identifier for your destination and alternates, but not required.

Interactive Weather Information Network - NWS comprehensive weather site that includes links to aviation weather information, warnings, etc.

Space Science and Engineering Center - Real-time satellite and other data/images.

NWS Homepage for Melbourne, FL - My local area flying weather.

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Last modified on May 29, 2004